Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blue Ring Residential services!

We have been in luck over the past few weeks with the weather, but alas, the dreary days of Ohio are upon us.  For me, this means hibernation in a big cozy sweater with my Starbucks and laptop until the sun peaks out in March. 

This weather brings with it loads of fallen leaves, probably some leaking water and standard year to year maintenance on your home and yard.  Keep in mind that Blue Ring Residential Services provides a full circle of services for your home.  They also have a 24 hour emergency number which could be very helpful this upcoming winter! Some of their services include:


Restoration & Maintenance

Lawn Care

Water Damage Repair

Mold Remediation

Air Duct Cleaning

Home Organizing

And much more.

Be sure to check out their website for more information!

1 comment:

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