Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Last week I blogged about our non-profit launch party that took place at Thompson Park.  As I said earlier, the event was a great success and we wanted to give a special thanks to all of those who came out to support us.  When we were cleaning up from the launch party, Amanda noticed this cute pumpkin that was painted by Lexi Niekamp. We love seeing our logo hand painted on this festive decoration.  Thanks Lexi!

More exciting things are happening in the office this week.  We have a third intern joining the team, Erin Barker will be working with us.  We are excited to have more room to delegate, especially with the Holidays right around the corner.  There will be more posts about that in the next couple weeks, maybe even a little photo of the office crew.  Hope everyone has a great Wedneday! 

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