Monday, June 8, 2015

Meet Lauren G!

Lauren Goettemoeller

Name: Lauren G

Hometown: St. Henry, Ohio

Age: 21

Favorite Color? Purple

Major/Occupation: Biology

What did you want to be growing up?
When I was younger I always wanted to be an architect. I was fascinated with old buildings and churches. However, I chose to go into the medical field instead.

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
I live in a big woods out in the middle of nowhere, and when it gets dark it can be kind of creepy especially because we have huge windows in our house. One of my childhood babysitters was so afraid of my house, so my siblings and I thought it was funny to scare her any chance we got.

What is the funniest thing a child has said to you while babysitting?
On one of my first sits a kid said to me, “if you like my train set my grandparents will buy you one just like it”.

What is the best advice someone has ever given to you?
The best advice someone has ever given me is to never live with regrets, and always move forward!

What is one of your favorite quotes?
“We all have dreams, but in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort”- Jesse Owens

What has been the best thing about working with SMS?
The best part about working with SMS is the opportunity to meet so many wonderful families!

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