Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Meet Our Intern Cath!

What were you expecting on your first day interning and how was it different? I was expecting to gain a better understanding of the company. I was also expecting to learn how to properly use social media elements for the purpose of a business. It was different from what I expected because although I did learn many skills regarding the use of social media, I also learned a large amount of transferable skills that I can use in any business setting. I have better my communication skills as well as my customer service skills from working in the SMS office.

What is your favorite part about interning for SMS?
My favorite part about interning for SMS is getting the chance to see first hand just how much work it takes to run SMS.  The amount of effort that goes into making SMS a success is tremendous, and I would have never gained that understanding if it were not for interning in the office.

What is your favorite quote?
My favorite quote is “The size of your problem is nothing compared with you ability to solve them. Don’t overestimate your problems, and underestimate yourself.”

What is the furthest you have ever been from home?
The furthest I have eve been away from home was this summer when I lived in Washington D.C. I was a Glenn Fellow for the John Glenn School’s Washington Academic Internship Program. I was living away from my family in D.C. while working full time and taking a full semester of classes.

What is your TV or movie guilty pleasure?
I am absolutely obsessed with Glee.

What are three things that you can’t live without?
1. My water bottle 2. My winter parka 3. Edamame

Which would you prefer as a second home: A mountain cabin, beach house or big city condo?
Beach House

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
In ten years I see myself living in a new place while I establish my career. I also see myself as financially independent from my parents. Lastly, I see myself having a lot different goals and aspirations than I have right now.

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