Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Meet Chelsea W.!

Name: Chelsea W.
Hometown: Canfield, OH
Age: 22
Major: Medical Dietetics
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Candy: Reeses

One interesting fact about yourself:
I am a Florida baby!

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who
Would it be and why?
Bethenny Frankel because she's always been my idol. I met her once but we didn't have enough time to chat!

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
Working out and cuddling on the couch with my kitties or dog!

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child while working for SMS?
A little girl asked me, “Are you 16?”. It really made me laugh!

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
A newswoman on CNN.

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three items, what would they be?
Ice cream, a friend, and sunscreen!

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
My babysitter told me it was okay to pee in the pool.....and I did.

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS?
Having a little girl hold onto my leg and asking if I could spend the night. It was so cute!

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