Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Meet Jessie G.

Name: Jessie Grossman
Hometown: Solon, OH
Age: 21
Major: Special Education/ Pre-Occupational Therapy

One interesting fact about yourself:
I competitively danced for 13 years.

If  you  could  have  dinner  with  one  person,  alive  or  dead,  who
Would it be and why?
Anyone in the cast from Big Bang Theory because they are hilarious.

It  is  a  lazy  Sunday,  how  would  you  spend  your  day?
In bed watching Homeland!

What  is  the  funniest  comment  you  have  heard  from  a  child while  working  for  SMS?
A little girl called me her sister because she “wished” she had a sister!

When  you  were  a  kid  growing  up,  what  did  you  want  to  be?
A Vet!

If  you  were  stranded  on  a  desert  island,  and  could  pick  three items,  what  would  they  be?
Peanut butter, cell phone, and cell charger!

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
Making forts in our basement!

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS?
After consistently sitting for a family, the young girl cried when I left because she didn’t want me to go.  It melted my heart!

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