Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meet Casey!

Name: Casey Wurth
Hometown: Holland, Ohio
Age: 18
Major: Human Development and Family Science

Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Candy: Nerds Rope

One interesting fact about yourself:
When I was in fifth grade I went to Jamaica on vacation. I got extremely
sunburned and returned to school with my hair braided in corn rows.

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
I would have dinner with Elvis Presley, just because I think he’s really cool!

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
Probably doing laundry and watching movies, unless it’s warm outside. If
it’s warm I’ll lay out in the sun!

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child while working for SMS?
A little boy told me that I was his best friend and an hour later when I told
him he wasn’t allowed to do something he told me “We aren’t best friends
anymore. Just friends.”

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
I wanted to be an astronaut or a doctor when I was little.

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three items, what would they be?
I would pick duct tape, a sleeping bag, and some flares!

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
She used to tickle me and then toss me onto my bed. I used to laugh so hard!

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS?
My most memorable experience would have to be babysitting for a pair of twin babies. I loved babysitting them and their big brother, who was such a sweetheart. Every time I sat for them I really enjoyed it, and that is my best

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