Monday, August 22, 2011


This week flew by, Thursday was our committee party for Simply Friends Forever.  A big Thank You to everyone who came out. It was amazing to have all the committee members under one roof discussing such a great cause. 

Friday and Saturday I was busy sitting for a few different families, and today, I am back in the office getting ready for another week of craziness. 
We just mailed out another weeks worth of Birthday Cards for our SMS kids, we hope they are enjoying receiving them in the mail.

We are still working hard to fill after school nanny positions.  Anyone who is looking to nanny should set up an interview with Amanda.  Interviews are taking place on August 30th at 4 and September 16th. 

We are on the hunt for a box or folder for this press kit.  The last ones we ordered were definitely not as they appeared on the website.  So we are back to square one. Our box is out there somewhere, we just need to find it.

That’s all for now, be sure to check back throughout the week for updates! 

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