Monday, August 29, 2011


I’m blogging from home tonight.  Tomorrow there is a bunch of stuff going on and my computer time will probably be limited. 
This week has been so crazy busy.  I moved out of my campus house, into a new house, one street away.  I never knew how much junk I had accumulated over the last two years.  But that is over and done, Thank God.
Tomorrow, Amanda and I are meeting at her office, running a few errands, and then its off to Starbucks! I am tagging along with her on my first interview session for potential sitters.  It will be an interesting experience, and I hope to learn a lot.
SO this post is short and sweet but just wanted to update everyone on this weeks happenings in the Intern World.  I will update the Blog later in the week!
I hope everyone had a great Monday! 

Monday, August 22, 2011


This week flew by, Thursday was our committee party for Simply Friends Forever.  A big Thank You to everyone who came out. It was amazing to have all the committee members under one roof discussing such a great cause. 

Friday and Saturday I was busy sitting for a few different families, and today, I am back in the office getting ready for another week of craziness. 
We just mailed out another weeks worth of Birthday Cards for our SMS kids, we hope they are enjoying receiving them in the mail.

We are still working hard to fill after school nanny positions.  Anyone who is looking to nanny should set up an interview with Amanda.  Interviews are taking place on August 30th at 4 and September 16th. 

We are on the hunt for a box or folder for this press kit.  The last ones we ordered were definitely not as they appeared on the website.  So we are back to square one. Our box is out there somewhere, we just need to find it.

That’s all for now, be sure to check back throughout the week for updates! 

Monday, August 15, 2011


We are busy busy busy here at the office today. 

We are sending out our weekly birthday announcements and updating all the sites, as usual.

The press kit is coming along, piece by piece. It has been quite the process, but we are getting excited to finish it!

We are also putting together some last minute details for our upcoming meetings: 

This Thursday, Aug 18th at 7:00 pm is the Committee Party for Simply Friends Forever. We will be discussing the upcoming Launch Party and ways to become involved in this amazing organization!

We also have our Mandatory Sitters Meeting, on September 18th at 4pm.  This is right around the corner, which is hard to believe, where did the summer go? Time needs to slow down. I’m not ready for school to start!

Also, So many after school positions have come through that we are trying to fill! If anyone is interested in filling one of these positions be sure to give Amanda a call at 614- 743- 4745. 

We also just received our event cards for Simple Friends Forever, these will be a great help in spreading the word about our upcoming events! 

In the upcoming months The intern Blog will be featuring small business.  This week, we are featuring Blue Ring Residential Services.  The owner, Ryan Hosein, is a new client of Sitting Made Simple.  

Ryan started Blue Ring in 2010 and has been in the green industry for the last nine years! His service provides everything from landscaping to environmental services, home organization and handyman services. 
Be sure to check out there website at or contact them directly for more information!  614-633-6770.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


            I am back in the office after a really relaxing vacation in Michigan.  It was just what I needed and the weather could not have been better.  We spent the afternoons in the lake and nights by the campfire.
             Now I am back in Columbus for the rest of the summer, which means back to interning. Today I went through some old Nanny and Sitter files.   I updated and organized the paperwork making everything easy to access.   Out with the old and in with the new!
            After that, Amanda and I went through a long checklist of Sitters who need to respond to our invitation for the Mandatory Sitter Meeting that is taking place on September 18th at 4pm.  Sometimes I feel like Facebook is more of a hassle then a help.  But I guess it is the best way to communicate with people quickly. 
            The rest of the day will be finishing up odds and ends before the weekend, and updating our Blog and Twitter. 
            I hope everyone had a great week.  I am looking forward to the weekend, but I will be back in the office on Monday so check back for more SMS updates!

And I almost forgot! Amanda ordered new business cards a few weeks ago, and we finally received them in the mail.  We think the new and improved cards look fab!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Today we have a bunch of stuff on our plate, as usual.  But some exciting things got finished over the weekend.  SMS's new business cards are ordered and on their way. They look GREAT and we are really excited about them! Amanda put an order in for sample boxes that will hold all of her press kit info. We ordered a few different styles, so we are eagerly awaiting their arrival.  Now we just have to finish all the pieces that go inside.  The whole thing is coming right along, pictures are the next thing on the list.  After that, we will be well on our way to finishing that project.  
         The website is also on its way to being completed, only a few more weeks until scheduling and confirming sits becomes a WHOLE lot easier.  That is beyond exciting.  Especially for me (as a sitter) confirming sits on my phone will be so convenient.  
         Today I am updating our social media, sending out email blasts, working on the press kit and some other odds and ends.
         I am going to Michigan tomorrow for a week long vacation.  I am so excited to get out of this heat, and away from summer school.  It has been interfering with my summertime plans way too much! I’ll be back updating the Blog when I return! I hope everyone is having a great summer!