Name: Allison L
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Age: 21
Favorite Color: Purple
Major/Occupation: 4th year Neuroscience major at The Ohio State University/Research Assistant in the Division of Hospital Medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in the summer
What did you want to be growing up?
I always wanted to be a pediatric doctor growing up but now I am more interested in occupational therapy.
What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
I never really had a steady babysitter outside of my family growing up because my parents have always worked opposite shifts and when they needed help my grandparents were usually the ones to watch me. However, the funniest memory I have is when my grandma was watching me and I wanted to play hide and seek. So, naturally, I wanted to be the person to hide first. Well, it turns out I was super tired that day and ended up falling asleep in my hiding spot. That hiding spot just so happened to be under the extremely long curtains in the living room, which was usually blocked off by a baby gate but I figured out how to open it, so my grandma could not see or hear me because I was completely covered and silent. She still re-tells that story to this day about how bad I scared her.
What is the funniest thing a child has said to you while babysitting?
I was doing dishes in the kitchen when a little boy I was watching yelled out my name to get my attention so naturally I turned around to look at him. When I did so, I saw a little puddle underneath him but I didn’t say anything because I was curious to see what he had to say. The exchange went as follows:
“Yes?” –Me
“Ummmm…..Allison…..I think I might have peed.” –little boy
“You think you might have?” –I said with a grin.
“Yeah, I’m not quite sure.” –little boy
What is the best advice someone has ever given you?
A very wise man once told me, “Anyone can fail, so work hard so you don’t.”
What is one of your favorite quotes?
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
What has been the best thing about working with SMS?
The best thing about working with SMS has been meeting incredible families while discovering new areas of Columbus, all on a very flexible schedule.