Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meet Kali!

Name: Kali Morgenstern
Hometown: Beachwood
Age: 21
Major: Sport and Leisure

One interesting fact about yourself:
I teach group fitness at the RPAC.

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who
Would it be and why?
My grandma because I never met her!

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
On the couch :)

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child while working for SMS?
They told me that they really loved me!

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
A famous singer!

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three items, what would they be?
Phone, Snickers, and endless Chipotle.

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
My babysitter let me put black makeup on her and it looked like she had a black eye!

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS?
Playing out at the pool with 3 great kids!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Meet Emily!

Name: Emily H.
Hometown: St. Henry
Age: 19
Major: Engineering

One interesting fact about yourself:
My town is so small that we only have 2 traffic lights!

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who
Would it be and why?
Betty White because she is so hilarious!

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
Watching movies, reading, and sitting outside!

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child while working for SMS?
Are we in China?”

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
A Marine Biologist (but didn't know the name when I was little)

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three items, what would they be?
Radio, Photo Album, and Sketchbook!

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
He asked if I wanted to play 52 pick up. I didn't know what it was so I said yes. He flipped all the cards everywhere and I cried!

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS?
The day I shared at the park with the sweet little Ivy York!