Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Introducing Amy!

Welcome to week 8! of "Meet the Sitters"
Meet Amy C!

Week 8

Name: Amy Cramer

Hometown: Mansfield, OH
Age: 22
Major: Human Development and Family Science – Early Childhood Development

Favorite Color : Dark Purple
Favorite Candy: Bubble Gum

One interesting fact about yourself:
My fingers are double jointed.  They lock up when I work with my hands a lot.

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be and why
 Suzanne Collins, the author of the Hunger Games trilogy.  I read all three books in just over one week.  One of my goals is to write a book and I would love to get advice from her and find out where her inspiration came from.  She is a literary genius!

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
I would stay in sweats all day, have over some friends, watch a movie and cook up a new recipe. 

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child
while working for SMS?
While on the toilet: “it will be a while, I have a lot more poo to make, I’ll call you when I’m done.” –From a 3 year old

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
An Optometrist

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three
items, what would they be?
1. Burt’s Bees Chapstick, my one addiction 2. My Nook, so I’d always be entertained 3. A lighter, to survive/signal for help

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
Hiding from her so she would panic that I ran away. 

What has been your most memorable experience while
working with SMS? 
 I have a lot of great memories, but my favorites are when the kids ask for hugs before bed or when I leave. It makes me feel like I’m doing my job well.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 7! Meet Julia!

Meet Julia!

Welcome to week 7! of "Meet the Sitters"
Meet Julia G!

Week 7


Name:  Julia Goff
Hometown: Dayton, Ohio
Age: 22
Major: Family Studies, Spanish Linguistics

Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Candy: Swedish Fish or Twix

One interesting fact about yourself: At one point in high school I was the fastest reader in the state of Ohio. Cool!

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who
would it be and why?
Tina Fey…it would be the funniest dinner ever!

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
I would spend it curled up with lots of snacks and a criminal minds marathon…I love trying to figure out the mysteries.

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child
while working for SMS?
One of the funniest/cutest comments was when the children and I were discussing what they wanted to be when they grew up and one little boy told me he couldn’t wait to be a big train. He was so excited that I didn’t have the heart to tell him little boys don’t turn into trains so I told him he would be an awesome one some day!

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
I told everyone I wanted to be a firefighter, a ballerina, and a mom with earrings.

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three
items, what would they be?
If I had my sunglasses, a beach chair, and a good book I’d be set!

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
I have two older brothers who usually watched me, so getting a babysitter that was a girl was such a treat! I would be so excited to have a girl to play with that I would set up stations of all my toys so that we could play Barbies, and house, and dolls, and paint nails etc. I always felt like I had to squeeze every single girly activity in to make the most of my time!

What has been your most memorable experience while
working with SMS?
There was one family that I sat for several times in a row. The children were so smart and loved to tell me all about dinosaurs. When I would tuck them into bed at night, the little girl would get very quiet and very serious. I would ask her what she was thinking about and it was always the same problem- she couldn’t understand why all the dinosaurs were extinct. She would talk me through the reasons why T-Rex should still be alive. She was so earnest and genuinely concerned about the dinosaurs. It may have been one of the coolest conversations I have had while babysitting. She is going to grow up to be one amazing scientist!