Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet Emily!

Welcome to week 6! of "Meet the Sitters"
Meet Emily Y!

Week 6


Name: Emily Yedica 

Hometown: Oregon, Ohio
Age: 21
Major: Special Education

Favorite Color : Turquoise
Favorite Candy: Swedish Fish

One interesting fact about yourself: 
As a child, I learned to say the alphabet backwards before I learned to say it correctly.

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who
would it be and why
I would love to have dinner with Sutton Foster. For those of you who have no clue who this is, Sutton has been in countless Broadway plays and musicals, including Annie, Shrek, and most recently, Anything Goes. She is someone who has earned her success and I think it would be great to just hear her whole story.

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?
Napping, enjoying a good book, or watching countless hours of HGTV (I am in love with that channel!)

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child
while working for SMS?
“Will you come to Never Never Land with me and be like Wendy?”- Anonymous

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?
As I was growing up, I have always wanted to be a teacher. The specific grade level and content area has changed over the years, but the career itself has stuck!

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three
items, what would they be?
A book to pass the time, my planner because I would go crazy without it, and a raft so I could float around in the water

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
When I was 7 my sister and I did my babysitter’s hair and make-up. Looking back we did a horrible job, but she left our house with her hair and make-up done by us. She was so nice to have not made us feel like we did a bad job!

What has been your most memorable experience while
working with SMS?
Every experience is memorable, but the one I love the most is a time when I was sitting for a family all day, so we spent the day at the park, getting ice cream, and at the pool. That night we came home, built a pillow fort and had a movie night. It was not only a great day for the kids but for me too :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Meet Hannah!

This is week 5! of "Meet the Sitters"
Meet Hannah V!

Week 5

Name: Hannah Vozar

Hometown: Hinckley Ohio

Age: 19
Major: Nursing

Favorite Color : Yellow
Favorite Candy: Reese’s Pieces

One interesting fact about yourself: 

I was the first freshman at my high school to ever make varsity cheerleading.

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who
would it be and why?

This is easy…JUSTIN BIEBER!! I seriously have an obsession with this kid. I have all his music on my itunes, and a wall in my room dedicated to posters of him. I even went to his concert with my little sister, and cried (Kind of pathetic, I know). He is such an inspiration to people all over, I would love to just meet him, get to know him and of course sing one of his songs with him.

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day?

I absolutely love my sleep, so spending a lazy Sunday would consist of staying in my bed all day not having to worry about anything!

What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child
while working for SMS?

“Hannah you have a BIG booty” –Anonymous

I could not stop laughing!

When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be?

I have always had this dream of becoming a nurse one day, because I have always had such a caring personality. But on the other hand I always wanted to be famous and sing on a stage with millions of people watching me.  I was always singing and dancing as a child! I cannot tell you how many videos my family has of me jamming out to some song.

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick threeitems, what would they be? 


Kindle Fire

Tanning Oil (I mean if I’m going to be stranded on a desert island, I mind as well get tan doing it)

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter?
When I was a little bit older and knew Santa wasn’t real my brother and I would always convince our babysitter to help us look for the presents our parents would hide in one closet in the basement.  We would search forever for the key that kept the door locked.  I feel bad because our babysitter didn’t want to do it, but we made her feel obligated to help us search.

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS?

One family I have babysat for, their dad graduated from the same high school that I and also my mom graduated from. My mom actually knows the girls fathers brother, and after telling the girls they both proceeded to say that I was basically a part of their family. It was absolutely adorable, and I felt so welcomed and loved!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Meet Danielle!

We are in our fourth week doing the "Meet the Sitters" feature on our blog.

Meet Danielle!

Week 3

Name: Danielle Frederick
Hometown: Alexandria, Ohio.
Age: 21.
Major: Exercise Science.
Favorite Color : Green.
Favorite Candy: Peanut M&M's.

One interesting fact about yourself: 
I once won a 60 second Shopping Spree through Build-a-Bear Workshop up at Easton Town Center. It was when the store first opened  and I'll never forget getting to run through the store for 60 seconds grabbing as many stuffed animals as I could!

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be and why?  
That's a tough one, but I would probably say Corrie Ten Boom. Her story  amazes me and “The Hiding Place” has always been one of my favorite books about her life story. Her and her families perseverance, bravery and faith inspire me.

It is a lazy Sunday, how would you spend your day? 
Relaxing, football, family, maybe a nap and a good book :)
What is the funniest comment you have heard from a child while working for SMS? 
There are so many! But one of the sweetest was when a 3 year old boy asked me while we were watching a movie if he could hold my hand , just like a perfect little gentleman. It was so cute and sweet.
When you were a kid growing up, what did you want to be? 
I wanted to be a lot of things, but one thing was I wanted to be a Veterinarian because I thought it just meant I could play with animals all day long. Once I found out you had to give the animals shots, and other things I quickly changed my mind! 

If you were stranded on a desert island, and could pick three items, what would they be? 
Kindle, Sunscreen, and chapstick. 

What is the funniest memory from your childhood babysitter? 
My older brothers were watching me one day and I was getting in the middle of a basketball game they were playing with each other. So, they “tied” me to the basketball pole with  a jump rope and convinced me it was some kind of game. When my parents came home my brothers were playing basketball uninterrupted and I was having a blast too thinking I was a part of their game.

What has been your most memorable experience while working with SMS? 
There are so many! But I would say it's probably a toss up between doing a part of the workout DVD “Insanity” with two kids I was babysitting (definitely a memorable moment and good workout!) or when a little girl I was babysitting asked for “one-thousand” kisses on the cheek before going to sleep. (She was probably just stalling her bedtime, but it was sweet!).