Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!

The new website is launched, and now it is off to the next project.  We are still busy working out a few of the glitches, if you are having any issues with your account be sure to let the office know so we can pass it  along to our web designers.  

Sitters: We are busy planning our Holiday event! We plan to have a bunch of food and drinks, fun games and prizes. We are tentatively planning to hold the event at the Student Union on Ohio State's campus so that all sitters can have easy access to the venue. We will be holding the holiday party on Sunday January 15th.  We hope all the sitters can make it out and help us celebrate! Be sure to check your email for an Evite! 

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! 


Monday, November 21, 2011


The long awaited arrival for the new site is finally coming to end. No really. This time its actually happening. TONIGHT!!  We are really excited, and hope all of you are as well.  We are cranking the Christmas tunes, I’m sipping on a non fat latte compliments of my Starbucks gift card

 (Thanks Amanda, another perk of interning.)  The office is full of decorations that are putting me everyone in the office in the Holiday spirit! 

[candy tray that we are devouring]

[best candles ever, scent: winter wonderland]

Happy Thanksgiving, we hope everyone has a great Holiday Season! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

New website!

We are launching the new site TONIGHT! The phone is ringing off the hook. We are trying to figure out all the glitches before it goes live.  Crazy town in the office, check back Monday with more intern updates!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Holiday Season!

I’m back in the office on this lovely Monday.  We are in full-holiday mode. How is it mid-November already? It’s crazy how time flies.  We are up to the usual weekly routine. Amanda had amazing salad creations for lunch at the office today, and I have been munching on left over Halloween candy in between working.
But, in more important news, we have a few exciting things coming up. The Holiday issue of our newsletter is going to be sent out very soon, keep your eyes out for that.  Erin, another office intern, created a fun and informative letter, we hope you enjoy!  Also, we are SO close to launching the new website.  It could be as soon as Monday and we could not be more excited! We will be sending out an email with all the new information, and some tips for using the new site, and all the new features.  We are also finishing Amanda’s press kit, we are hoping SMS will be featured in upcoming issues of your favorite magazines!
Hope everyone has a great week!  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Intern life!

SMS is growing so quickly! When I started this blog back in June, it was only Amanda and I in the office.  Now, 5 months later we have grown to three interns.  It makes everything run so smoothly and the never ending to-do lists seem to get accomplished much faster.  It will be great to have the extra brain power for the upcoming holidays. 
Speaking of holidays, Amanda made each of us the cutest Halloween baskets with these amazing candles 

(we are all somewhat obsessed with candles in general) and delicious, practically sinful, sugar cookies. She has made intern life pretty great!
Be sure to check back on Monday,  we plan to feature more small local businesses. 